“The fabric of our lives”-Part2
As quoted in part one: “The fabric of our lives Cotton Money” part 2
“Investing is not the study of finance. It’s the study of how people behave with money. And behavior is hard to teach, even to really smart people. You can’t sum up behavior with formulas to memorize or spreadsheet models to follow. Behavior is inborn, varies by person, is hard to measure, changes over time, and people are prone to deny its existence, especially when describing themselves.”-Morgan Housel ;”The Psychology of money
If investing is the study of how people behave with money then what’s the psychology behind investing in the mass kidnapping and chattel enslavement of a entire people? And then creating an entire nation’s economy from that enslavement and denying it happened? And denying that there are systems in place to maintain the economy, infrastructure and ecosystems set up by that slave labor? I guess it’s as stated above ”Behavior is inborn, varies by person, is hard to measure, changes over time, and people are prone to deny its existence, especially describing themselves.” Those who are considered the elite In a system dominate and they are the owners of wealth, and posses property or production ability in capital and or financial markets, and In a “cast-like” system it’s obvious to those under the system that the system exists, it’s just that no one wants to be at the bottom of the system. Those under the “cast-like” system are incentivized to self police and maintain its order because any shift in momentum, in propaganda or perception and the power dynamic can change, and your particular “cast” will be at the bottom. And no one wants to be at the bottom. Even if your close to the bottom, its better than being at the bottom. And at all cost you will fight to stay out of the bottom, even throw others in your “cast” and even other casts “under the bus” to persevere you’re societal position. And your born into it, the more I see in the present in context to the past is that it seems that America is angry because the humans they deemed property and owned, became property owners. And that wasn’t part of the plan, so the invisible hand moves the goal posts every chance it can. America is an amalgamation of all the political systems it critics in other nations globally, it just rebrands those same systems and commercializes their applications through corporate interest, private money and political posturing, and let’s not forget brute force. Many in a particular “cast” look for opportunities to beat the odds even if it’s at the detriment of others in their “cast”And this behavior perpetuates self hate and exceptionalism.
A few definition’s:
The English word "caste" derives from the Spanish and Portuguese casta, which, according to the John Minsheu's Spanish dictionary (1569), means "race, lineage, tribe or breed". Caste is a form of social stratificationcharacterized by endogamy, hereditary transmission of a style of life which often includes an occupation, ritual status in a hierarchy, and customary social interaction and exclusion based on cultural notions of purity and pollution.-Caste - Wikipedia
Social stratification refers to a society's categorization of its people into groups based on socioeconomic factors like wealth , income, race, education, ethnicity , gender, occupation, social status or derived power (social and political). As such, stratification is the relative social position of persons within a social group, category, geographic region, or social unit . - Social stratification - Wikipedia’s
In a capitalist market economy, decision-making and investments are determined by every owner of wealth, property or production ability in capital and financial markets.
Capital (economics), a factor of production that is not wanted for itself but for its ability to help in producing other goods.
The English word "caste" derives from the Spanish and Portuguese casta, which, according to the John Minsheu's Spanish dictionary, means "race, lineage, tribe or breed". Caste is a form of social stratificationcharacterized by endogamy, hereditary transmission of a style of life which often includes an occupation, ritual status in a hierarchy, and customary social interaction and exclusion based on cultural notions of purity and pollution.-Caste - Wikipedia
Social stratification refers to a society's categorization of its people into groups based on socioeconomic factors like wealth , income, race, education, ethnicity , gender, occupation, social status or derived power (social and political). As such, stratification is the relative social position of persons within a social group, category, geographic region, or social unit . - Social stratification - Wikipedia
I almost begin this paragraph stating that slaves were looked at as human Capital, but that wouldn’t be an accurate statement, they weren’t looked at as human they were just looked at as CAPITAL. Just a factor of production that is not wanted for itself but for its ability to help in producing other goods. Let’s not forget the nation went to war because of a disagreement on if chattel slavery would be continued in America or end in America. But In one breath you will hear, that America isn’t a racist country, but then you hear that according to the department of homeland security that the most persistent and lethal threat within the U.S. is white supremacist, and then you hear that systemic racism doesn’t exist in America, but then the president visits Tulsa Oklahoma were white rage and hate destroyed and murdered black lives and black wealth, a location and event that no president ever visited or even acknowledged to have had ever even happened . A massacre that took place 100 years ago, an event not even acknowledged by the first black president. We are sophisticated and intelligent enough to run missions and send spaceships to the moon, and create technology that will replace our monetary system and fundamentally change how we function as humans on this planet(blockchain), we can collaborate corporate ,private and governmental agencies all in record time to create a first of its kind MRNA vaccination for a deadly novel virus during a global pandemic, but we still can’t end our propensity to hate because of skin Hue? Sexual orientation, religious beliefs or political ideology?
Locally Grown Globally Minded
(Part 2) of 3
To be continued.....
Update **June 19th:
Academically banned to teach about in most schools, Yet, now Federally acknowledged as a holiday. America loves its ideals but it’s realities, it likes to keep those abstract. But this seems to fit in quite well with the patterns stated above. A double headed serpent has trouble with which direction it will go in. And let’s not forget serpents have forked Tongues. -(Social contract)
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